Dear Parents, Friends, and Relatives of our fine School:
We are pleased to present the World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser. It’s the best in fundraising and a proven and successful way to help fund our school’s financial objectives for the year. The Fund Shop contains 5 different $1.00 Bars, and 2 different $1.00 Bags. They were made especially for our school and each case carries our school name and a wonderful multiple coupon opportunity for our families (see above). It’s a free one-year membership for tons of valuable coupons in our community you can use for a year! Please get family members to pitch in and sell - we strongly discourage student door-to door solicitation. Return the permission slip by March 3rd and receive your first case the next week. As soon as the first case is sold, please return the money to the school. Put $60 for each case in a sealed envelope with your child’s name. Please convert any coins to bills. You will then be entitled to receive an additional case to sell. If you’d like an additional case, please send a note to the school with your child and a new case will be sent home. We will allow for a family to have no more than 4 cases out at a time. Once money is turned in, you may receive additional cases. * Please make every effort to sell the candy you take out, or return it before we end April 6. * Submit your participation slip to your homeroom teacher. * We will accept checks from parents of students ONLY, and put your child’s name on the memo line. Checks and money orders should be payable to Carney PTA. Please convert coins to BILLS. ***PRIZES*** Drawings: Turn in your permission slip for a chance to win the 5-lb Chocolate Bar. Top Seller Prize: 4 Tickets to Medieval Times Top Seller Per Grade Level (minimum of 2 cases sold): 60 minute pass to Rockin’ Jump in Towson Individual Prizes: The more you sell, the more prizes you win (see prize flyer). The amounts to sell are: $ 1 - $ 59 Smencil $ 420 - $ 659 Levels A+B+C+D+E $ 60 - $ 119 Level A $ 660 - $ 849 Levels A+B+C+D+E+F $ 120 - $ 179 Levels A+B $ 850 - $ 999 Levels A+B+C+D+E+F+G $ 180 - $ 239 Levels A+B+C $1,000 - $1,199 Levels A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H $ 240 - $ 419 Levels A+B+C+D $1,200 and up Levels A - H + Choice I or J Have a Great Sale! Thanks for your continued support! Tricia Roberts [email protected]
Read Across America Week Events at Carney
Monday – 2/29 – Read oath on the announcements, sign the oath in their classrooms Tuesday – 3/1 – Dress like a character day. Any character from a book is great. (No weapons or look-alike weapons or scary masks) Wednesday – 3/2 – Crazy Hat Day – Dr. Seuss’s Birthday, Ms. Wiles will dress as Cat in the Hat Thursday – 3/3 – Buddy Reading Day, Older grades will read aloud to a younger grade they are partnered with! Friday – 3/4 – Guest reading day. Each class will have a guest reader come in to read between 9:30 and 10:30. PTA will have a food table for our guests. Official web-site |
Welcome to the Carney Elementary PTA News page. Most everything you need to know can be found on this website.
October 2016